Dave "Keys" Thompson <- Click name to email

At the age of 8, Dave started playing the piano, just like his heroes Billy Joel and Elton John!  Dave's dad Ron played keyboards and guitar, with the keyboards rubbing off on Dave. Dave was born in Pittsburgh, PA and raised in Philadelphia.  He began playing music when he was in the third grade and rumor has it that he hated it until the day he discovered that the high school cheerleaders liked the piano MAN !  Sing me a Song I'm your piano MAN... after a few years of practice and years of classical music he joined his first band in 10th grade; from that point on he played in several different bands. Finally, Dave moved to Houston in 1988. In 1999, after having the itch to again play in a band, Dave joined Wattzit2ya and the rest is Wattzit2ya history! To him this group is "the perfect fit!" Dave's musical studies cover everything from Billy Joel to Journey to Kansas , which has kept him open to a variety of musical styles. He is truly one of the best keyboards players around! Dave's energy behind the keyboards are unmatched by any keyboard player you will find on any stage!!! (Dave also knows every word to every song written... just ask him!) Dave is truly original!  Come out and see for yourself. Dave's influences are: Billy Joel, Elton John, Journey, Kansas, Matchbox 20, and Styx! 

Dave's Equipment list: Korg Triton; Ensoniq MR61; Roland JP8000; Roland 1080; Yamaha PF200